Be sure to have an agenda for each meeting. This will make the meeting run smoothly and less time will be wasted. It also assures that everything is considered, and nothing is forgotten. The following is a standard “order of business”’ from which you can write your agenda:
Call to Order
Recite TAFE pledge
Attendance or sign-in sheet
Reading and approval of minutes
Treasurer’s report (placed on file)
Reports of other officers
Reports of committees
Unfinished business
New business


Start meetings on time
Follow your agenda
Write agenda on board or give each person a copy
Have paper and pencil for each member
Use parliamentary procedure
Find a regular meeting place - quiet, well lighted, well ventilated, easy to reach
Have a regular meeting time - once a week, once every two weeks or once a month. If only once a month, be sure to communicate with your members between times (using bulletin boards, notes, announcements, text messages, Twitter, Facebook, website or e-mail).

TAFE Pledge:
As a TAFE member, I hereby pledge to promote positive attitudes regarding all noble aspects of education, to acknowledge the challenging role of the teaching profession, and to provide service and leadership within my school and community.

Meeting Minutes

Minutes must have the following content:
(A requirement to earn TAFE Outstanding Chapter)

  1. Type of meeting (regular, special, called, etc.)
  2. Name of assembly
  3. Date, time and place of meeting
  4. Fact of presence of president and secretary, or substitutes, and quorum
  5. Minutes read, and statement of amendment, and/or approval
  6. All main motions and disposition of them (also, points of order or appeal)
  7. Time of adjournment and name of recorder
  8. Signature of Secretary — word “Approved” and the date of approval should be noted on bottom of minutes by secretary

Names of those making motions may be entered, but seconder’s name need not be recorded.

Minutes are a record of what was “done,” not what was said. Minutes should be placed in a permanent record book. A new book or a division should be allowed for each club year.

Sample Minutes of a TAFE Meeting:
The (regular, special) meeting of the _____ TAFE organization met on Wednesday, September 6, 2016, at 3:30 p.m. in Room 115. The meeting was called to order by the President, _____. There were _____ members present and _____ absent. The secretary, ____, called the roll and read the minutes of the previous meeting.
They stood approved as read/or as corrected. The treasurer, _______, reported a balance of _____. The report was placed on file.

The projects committee chairman, ______, read the report of the committee. It was moved by______ and seconded that the ______ TAFE organization sponsor an Education Fair on November 3, 2018. Motion carried. The President appointed ________ to chair the committee for refreshments for this event. lt was moved and seconded that TAFE donate $25.00 to the United Way. Motion carried.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:05 p.m.
Submitted by ___________.
Approved: September 18, 2018