Work together with your peers to raise funds to support the projects in which the local organization participates.

  1. Car bash
  2. Kiss a pig
  3. 7th & 8th Grade Dance
  4. Car wash
  5. Mr. Macho contest
  6. Sell mums for homecoming
  7. Sell carnations for Valentine’s Day
  8. Val-o-grams
  9. Bake Sale
  10. Cake Walk
  11. Spaghetti supper
  12. Recycling
  13. Fundraising DollarSponsor dance
  14. Hold a garage sale
  15. Home tour
  16. Sponsor school store
  17. Prom fashion show
  18. Dog walk
  19. Lip sync contest
  20. Best legs contest
  21. Best hands contest
  22. Talent show
  23. Mail-a-gram
  24. Egg toss
  25. Watermelon seed spitting contest
  26. Raffle
  27. Craft sale
  28. Spirit chain
  29. Teacher or Student Auction
  30. Valet for a day auction
  31. Concession stand
  32. Carnival
  33. Spook-o-gram
  34. Summer gram
  35. Balloon-o-gram
  36. Banquet
  37. Sell newspaper space
  38. Song dedication
  39. Take pictures at dance
  40. Sell balloons containing gift certificates
  41. Toga Sale
  42. Kiss a senior good-bye
  43. Talent show
  44. Pie in the Face
  45. Sell bells for teachers to wear
  46. Babysit
  47. Jog-a-thon
  48. Sell spices, fruit, popcorn, mugs, candy, Christmas trees, silk flowers, pickle sales, school emblem, school supplies, spirit items, cards, t-shirts, bumper stickers, slushies
  49. Visit local businesses to tell them about your TAFE chapter and ask for their financial suport
  50. Apply for funds for student-powered project(s) on 
  51. Contact your local Applebee's about sponsoring a Pancake breakfast 
  52. Check with local restaurants to sponsor fundraiser night (i.e.; Chick-fil-a Night, Luby's Night, Burger King Night, etc...)





Web Address


Stuart Babik

[email protected] 


Deanan Gourmet Popcorn