Tutor and become a positive influence to younger children
- Teach a class
- Sponsor a CPR Class
- Put together a Professional Development session to teach to school staff during in-service
- Help Substitute teachers
- Work as Teacher aides
- Tutor students before/after school
- Volunteer to change out the Bulletin Boards in your school when seasons change, or new events come up
- Help teachers decorate their classroom, make copies, cut out projects, etc. before school starts
- At the end of the year, help clean up classrooms to get ready for summer
- Visit elementary, middle and high schools and volunteer to work in classroom(s)
- Tutor after school for finals
- Make aids for special education classes
- Provide tutoring for state mandated exams etc.
- Make posters to motivate students
- Volunteer to Grade papers for a teacher
- Volunteer to read to children at the local library
- Plan and carry out a local reading night, science night, or math night at a local elementary
- Tutor adults in a literacy program
- Volunteer to read to children at the local library
- Plan and carry out a local reading night, science night, or math night at a local elementary
